Couples: Recently Engaged

I want you to go one step further and commit to a conscious relationship. One that you co-create together. One that builds on your strengths and provides room for growth. Dr. Smyth offers premarital therapy for couples wishing to create a vision for their marriage. Premarital therapy is an excellent gift for engaged couples.

What premarital therapy offers is a way for couples to connect around deeper issues in the midst of wedding planning, which can sometimes seem very disconnecting! Or, at the very least, can be a busy period when shared reflective time can be in short supply. Premarital therapy helps couples get a head start so that as married life unfolds their ability to address the inevitable challenges of married life is strengthened.

Areas Typically Covered in Pre-Marital Therapy:

  • Create a vision for your new life together- Looking at your relationship as you move toward a wedding date in these terms can be very helpful. You can begin to create a vision for your new relationship, and a plan for your future family. It can also serve as a kind of “check-up” for marital health. Viewing your relationship within this structured and containing framework allows you and your partner to acknowledge areas of strength while mobilizing to address areas for growth.
  • Solve problems now, before it’s too late- Sometimes couples are stuck on differences with how they will handle finances, or how they will handle multiple religious influences. Sometimes, its in-laws and needed decisions around them, and sometimes its work-life balance and daycare/ back-to-work decisions that cause distress. Differences such as these need to be talked about and solved, prior to marriage, to ensure you are both on the same page and can move forward together.
  • Communication struggles- Often times couples seek premarital therapy because they have a hard time communication and resolving issues and they need communication skills coaching so they can learn to hear one another, value each other’s perspective, and work toward solving conflicts.

Dr. Smyth offers a free 10-to-15-minute phone consultation.  Call 631-528-5880 today and receive the exceptional care you deserve!

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Contact Me


Hauppauge, New York


**If you are unable to schedule an appointment during my set office hours please give me a call and I will try my best to accommodate your needs.

Primary/Video Office




10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm





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